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Alice Carty

Do YOU have what it takes?!

Congratulations on making it so far through this academic year with us! It’s already time to think about next year though! Do you think you have what it takes to help run our club?

All of our committee positions are up for election, and you can nominate yourself for any of these roles NOW!

We'll be featuring each of our committee positions on our social media during the nomination period, so check those out if you need some inspiration!

Election Timeline

How to submit your nomination

Luckily, this is a pretty straightforward process!

2) Log in using your normal UCL username and password

3) Click onto the ‘Elections’ tab of the Hiking Club page. Here you’ll find all of our positions listed ready for you to submit your nomination!

4) Pick a position and submit your nomination!!

Filling in the form

You’ll need to fill in some contact details for yourself, so the Union can contact you if needed. This information won’t be made public.

Then, you can add any information about why you want to be on our committee, in a particular position. This is the information that other members of the club will get to see when the election is open for voting.

The second half of the nomination form is optional, but we’d suggest adding a photo because there are so many people in our club it can be hard to remember everyone’s name!

Note that once you submit you might not be able to go back and change anything. You can of course withdraw from the election at any time, if you should choose.

You can submit nominations for multiple positions if you want, but you will only be able to hold one position on the committee.


According UCL Student’s Union, any full member of the Club can stand for election to any officer position listed in the Club or Society constitution. If you’re a current UCL student and will be staying at UCL next year, this automatically includes you!

There are a few additional rules though…

  • Associate and visiting members cannot run for election.

  • Current officers may stand for re-election at the end of their period of office, but may not hold a principal Officer (President or Treasurer) position for more than two years with any single club.

  • No person may hold more than one of these positions at the same time per Club or Society.

  • You must be eligible to enrol the following year to continue your programme of study.

  • The current club committee cannot endorse a particular candidate.

What next?

Now you can start campaigning and telling everyone what awesome changes you're going to do for the club next year!

Good luck!

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